狀態 專任師資
姓名 張家齊
聯絡電話 (03)571-2121 #57110
授課領域 消費者行為、服務性行銷、行銷研究方法
研究專長 消費者行為、服務性行銷、服務缺失與補救、消費者決策過程、行銷研究方法、電子商務捐贈、善因行銷
討論區 0
職稱 教授
年度 論文名稱
2023 Chia-Chi Chang, Chun-Jui Pai, Huai-Wei Lo, Sustainable Development Evaluation of Cultural and Creative Industries Using a Neutrosophic-Based Dematel–Topsis Approach., International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making , 2023
2019 Chia-Chi Chang and Po-Yu Chen, Which maximizes donations: Charitable giving as an incentive or incentives for charitable giving?, Journal of Business Research, 2019
2018 Chia-Chi Chang and Jung-Sung Hung, The effects of service recovery and relational selling behavior on trust, satisfaction, and loyalty, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2018
2018 Chia-Chi Chang and Po-Yu Chen, Analysis of critical factors for social games based on extended technology acceptance model: a DEMATEL approach, Behaviour & Information Technology, 2018
2015 Chia-Chi Chang and Chi-Wen Chen, Examining Hedonic and Utilitarian Bidding Motivations in Online Auctions: Impacts of Time Pressure and Competition, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 19, 2, pp. 39-65, May. 2015
2014 Chia-Chi Chang and Ai-hua Tseng, The Post-Purchase Communication Strategies for Supporting Online Impulse Buying., Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 39, pp. 393-403, Oct. 2014
2014 張家齊、陳淑慧、蘇子炘, 直銷商職責外顧客服務之敘說研究-以台灣安露莎公司“大藍天團隊”為例, Web Journal of Chinese Management Review (中華管理評論國際學報), vol. 17, 2, pp. 1-24, May. 2014
2014 Jung-Wen Hsia, Chia-Chi Chang and Ai-Hua, Tseng, Effects of Individuals' Locus of Control and Computer Self-Efficacy on Their e-Learning Acceptance in High-Tech Companies., Behavior and Information Technology, Jan. 2014
2013 Chang, Chia-Chi and Chia-Yi Chen, Alleviating the Negative Impact of Delayed Recovery: Process- versus Outcome-focused Explanations, Journal of Services Marketing, vol. 27, 7, pp. 564-571, Jan. 2013
2012 張家齊、陳淑慧, 運用職責外顧客服務建立直銷業務人員之關係品質, 創新與經營管理學刊, vol. 3, 2, pp. 103-116, Dec. 2012
2012 Chia-Chi Chang, Shu-Hei Chen, An Exploratory Study for Salespersons Extra-Role Customer Service, The Journal of Global Business Management, vol. 8, 2, pp. 235-241, Aug. 2012
2011 Chang, Chia-Chi, Chia-Yi Chen, and Yi-Hsuan Chiang, How to Establish a Scale that Best Fits Your Agenda: the Guidelines to Build a Web Service Quality Scale, International Journal of Electronic Business Management (EI, ABI), 2011
2010 Chu, Po-Young, Chia-Chi Chang, Chia-Yi Chen, and Tzu-Yun Wang, Countering Negative Country-of-Origin Effects: The Role of Evaluation Mode, European Journal of Marketing, vol. Vol.44, 2010
2009 Chang, Chia-Chi, Hui-Yun Chen, I want products my own way, but which way? : The effects of different product categories and cues on customer responeses to web-based customizations, CyberPsychology & Behavior, vol. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-14, 2009
2009 Chang, Chia-Chi, Hui-Yun Chen, and I-Chiang Huang, The Interplay between Customer Participation and Difficulty of Design Examples in the On-line Designing Process and its Effect on Customer Satisfaction: Mediational Analyses, CyberPsychology & Behavior, vol. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 147-154, 2009
2008 Chang, Chia-Chi, Choice, perceived Control and Customer Satisfaction: The Psychology of Online Service Recovery, CyberPsychology & Behavior, vol. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 321-328, 2008
2006 Chang, Chia-Chi, When Service Fails: The Role of the Salesperson and the Customer, Psychology and Marketing, vol. Vol. 23, No. 3, 2006
2005 Chang,Chia-Chi & Dubinsky, A., Organizational justice in the sales force: a literature review with propositions, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, vol. Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 35-71, 2005
2004 Chang, Chia-Chi, DeVaney A. S, Chiremba, S. , Determinants of objective and subjective risk tolerance, Journal of Personal Finance, Journal of Personal Finance, vol. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 53-67, 2004
2001 Blader, Steven L, Chang, Chia-Chi, Tyler, Tom R. , Procedural justice and retaliation in organizations: Comparing cross-nationally the importance of fair group processes, International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. Vol. 12, NO. 4, pp. 295-331, 2001
年度 論文名稱
2023 Chia-Chi Chang and Chia-Hua Lin , When does Customer-Oriented Selling Strategies Backfire? The Role of Emotional Intelligence and Service Climate in the Relationship of Adaptive Selling and Salespeople's Performance , Frontiers in Service, 2023, Maastricht, the Netherlands
2023 Chun-Ming Yang, Chia-Hua Lin, Chia-Chi Chang, Perceived Economic Inequality Increases Consumer’s Desire for Cool Consumption , The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2023, Seattle, U.S.A.
2023 Chia-Chi Chang, Chia-Hua Lin, Chun-Ming Yang, One Good Turn Deserves Another: The Role of Karmic Beliefs and Fundraising Types on Donations, The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2023, Seattle, U.S.A.
2023 Chia-Chi Chang, Chia-Hua Lin, Chun-Ming Yang, Helping, Emotionally and Rationally: The Impact of Benefit Framings on Donations, The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2023, Seattle, U.S.A.
2023 白鈞睿、張家齊, 戰爭環境下潛在造成非營利組織募款活動的阻礙因素探討-使用改良的Z-HISA混合模型 , 中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, 2023
2020 Chia-Chi Chang, Joseph Iesue, Chia-Hua Lin, Causa Sui (Cause of Itself): How Self-Benefit Appeal Framing Interacts With Situational and Dispositional As Donation Cause-Types, Association for Consumer Research, Oct. 01-04, 2020, Paris
2019 Chun-Ming Yang, Chia-Chi Chang, Ying-Chin Lin, The effects of perceived economic mobility on temporal focus and preference for immediate rewards , The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2019
2018 Chun-Ming Yang, Chia-Chi Chang, Do You Trust the System? , Association for Consumer Research Northa American Annual Conference, 2018, Dallas, TX
2017 Chia-Chi Chang, Po-Yu Chen, Adding a charitable donation to a product or adding a product to a charitable donation? How much you can raise depends on how you frame the case , The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2017, San Diego
2016 Chia-Chi Chang, The Donation to The Emergent-poor and to The Prolonged-poor Victims, The Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2016, Berlin
2016 Chia-Chi Chang, Helping Those in Need? An Analysis of Charitable Giving in Various Conditions , Management Theory and Practice Conference, 2016
2014 Chia-Chi Chang, Po-Yu Chen, When Integration Works Better than Segregation Does in Multiple-Gain Situations: The Revised Coding Rules in Mental Accounting, 2014 Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Jul. 27-31, 2014, Kanazawa, Japan
2013 Chia-Chi Chang, Chia-Yi Chen, Po-Yu Chen, The Impact of Overcompensation on Service Failure Attribution: An Examination of Self-perception Theory, 2013 Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Jul. 04-07, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 陳淑慧、蘇子炘、張家齊, 台灣安露莎公司“大藍天家族”經營之道, 第17屆直銷學術研討會, Dec. 01, 2012, 北京市:中國政法大學,桃園:開南大學
2012 Chia-Chi Chang, Po-Yu Chen, The Option Presenting Order and Option Framing Perspectives on Sequence of Option Selection, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Jul. 29-Aug. 02, 2012, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2012 Chia-Chi Chang, Ai-Hua Tseng, How to Increase Satisfaction of impulsive consumers by Providing Persuasive Post-Purchase Reasons, The AMA/ACRA First Triennial Conference, Apr. 01, 2012, Seattle
2011 張家齊、陳淑慧、蘇子炘, 運用職責外顧客服務建立直銷業務人員之關係品質, 第16屆直銷學術研討會, Dec. 01, 2011, 北京市:北京郵電大學,桃園:開南大學
2011 Chia-Yi Chen and Chia-Chi Chang, The Influence of Customer Participation on Service Failure Attribution: The Role of Self-Efficacy, 20th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Jun. 30-Jul. 03, 2011, Columbus, Ohio, USA
2011 Chia-Chi Chang and Shu-Hui Chen, Salespersons’ Extra-Role Service Behaviors: An Exploratory Study of the Direct Selling Industry, National Conference in Sales Management, Mar. 03-Apr. 02, 2011, Orlando, FL
2010 Po-Yu Chen, Chia-Chi Chang, The analysis of service acceptance framework for social games based on extensive technology acceptance model, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Jul. 18-22, 2010, Thailand
2010 Chia-Yi Chen, Chia-Chi Chang, and Shu-Han Chaung, The Impact of Customer Participation on Attribution of Service Outcome: The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy, AMA SERVSIG International Research Conference, Jun. 17-19, 2010, Porto, Portugal
2010 Chia-Chi Chang and Yi-Hsuan Chiang, A Refined Measure of the Salespeople Helping Behavior, National Conference in Sales Management, Apr. 07-10, 2010, Milwaukee, WI
2009 Chia-Chi Chang, Yi-Hsuan Chiang and Ya-Jung Chang, The SHB scale Development and Validation: A measure of Salespeople's Helping Behavior Directed at Customers, Conference in Selling and Sales Management in Houston, Aug. 01, 2009, TX
2007 Chang, Chia-Chi and Hui-Yun Chen , The Effects of Different Cues on Customer Responses to Web-Based Customization Across Different Product Categories, 4th Research Conference on Relationship Marketing AND CRM, 2007
2006 朱博湧,張家齊, 陳佳誼,吳蔚震, 企業網站服務品質影響因素之探討-以IT公司台灣區網站為例, 國立勤益技術學院 第四屆管理學術研討會, 2006
2006 Gaudet, Maxime and Chia-Chi Chang , The Impact of Consumer Knowledge, the Need For Cognition and Preference for Consistency on the Product Customization Experience and Purchase Likelihood, Mass Customization and Personalization Conference , Jun. 17-19, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Chang, Chia-Chi and Shu-Hsun Ho, Choice, perceived Control and Customer Satisfaction: The Psychology of Online Service Recovery, in 14th International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing (ICRM2006), 2006, Germany
2005 蘇宏仁.張家齊, 與消費者共創價值之定價策略─以餐飲服務業為例, 2005
2005 Chang, Chia-Chi , The Effect of Choice Provision, Customers” Fairness Perceptions, and Attribution on Customer Satisfaction in a Service Failure, International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, 2005, New Foundland, Canada
2005 Chang, Chia-Chi, I-Chang Huang, and Hui-Yun Chen, The Effects of Customer Participation and Provision of Design Examples on Customer Satisfaction in a Service Failure., 4th Research Conference on Relationship Marketing AND CRM, 2005, Brussels
2003 Chang, Chia-Chi and Comer B. Lucette, The effect of choice and rewards on customers, Proceedings of the 2003 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2003
2003 Jolson, A. Marven, Lucette B. Comer, Chia-Chi Chang, Stacey Schetzsle, and Allen Dubinsky , Rethinking Customer Typologies: A Preliminary Study, Proceedings of the National, 2003
2001 Chang, Chia-Chi, Sharon A. DeVaney, and Sophia Chiremba, Determinants of objective and subjective risk tolerance, Proceedings of the Association, 2001
2000 Drollinger, Tanya and Chia-Chi Chang , Effect of wealth image in the advertisement on self-esteem , special session during American Consumer Research Conference, 會議論文, 2000, Salt Lake City, UT
1999 Chang, Chia-Chi, Fairness means the same thing in the culture, Annual New York University Research Conference, 1999, New York, New York
年度 書名
2004 Why do people comply at workplace? – A Cross-cultural analysis , Jan. 1970
2004 The Effect of Choice and Perceived Control on Customer Satisfaction: The Psychology of Service Recovery , Jan. 1970
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位
Taiwan National Taiwan University Psychology B.S.
New York, United States New York University Industrial/Organizational Psychology M.A.
Lafayette, Indiana, United States Purdue University Department of Consumer Sciences and Retailing Ph.D
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University Professor 2017.02 ~ 迄今
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University Professor 2016.08 ~ 迄今
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University Associate Professor, 2010.08 ~ 2012.07
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University Associate Professor, 2009.08 ~ 2016.07
Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University Assistant Professor 2004.08 ~ 2009.07
經濟部 專研中心管理才能訓練班 講師 0000.01 ~ 迄今
經濟部 中小企業處 評審委員 0000.01 ~ 迄今
交通部 費率委員會 委員 0000.01 ~ 迄今
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校外榮譽 2013 The Impact of Level of Compensation on Observers Attribution of Service Failures: An Examination of Self-perception Theory National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2012 The Impact of Level of Compensation on Observers Attribution of Service Failures: An Examination of Self-perception Theory National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2011 The Impact of Level of Compensation on Observers Attribution of Service Failures: An Examination of Self-perception Theory National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2010 The Impact of Level of Compensation on Observers Attribution of Service Failures: An Examination of Self-perception Theory National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2010 Going Above and Beyond: Exploring and Understanding Salespeople’s Helping Behavior National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2009 Going Above and Beyond: Exploring and Understanding Salespeople’s Helping Behavior National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2008 Going Above and Beyond: Exploring and Understanding Salespeople’s Helping Behavior National Science Council Grant
校內榮譽 2008 Outstanding Teaching Awards of Department of Management Science National Chiao Tung University
校內榮譽 2007 Outstanding Teaching Awards of Department of Management Science National Chiao Tung University
校外榮譽 2007 A Study of the Effects of Situational Factors and Shopping Values on Bidding Satisfaction in On-line Auctions National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2006 Choice, Perceived Control and Customer Satisfaction: The Psychology of Online Service Recovery National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2005 The Effect of Choice Provision, Customers’ Fairness Perceptions, and Attribution on Customer Satisfaction in a Service Failure National Science Council Grant
校外榮譽 2003 Fitzsimmons and Zmola Grant Award
校外榮譽 2003 Purdue Research Fund Grant
校外榮譽 2003 Fitzsimmons and Zmola Grant Award
校外榮譽 2000 Fitzsimmons and Zmola Grant Award
校外榮譽 1999 Research Merit Award at New York University Annual Conference
校外榮譽 1911 The Interaction Between Framing, Information Process, and The Motivation of Purchase Nation Science Council Grant