10/27 (五) 法國雷恩商學院雙聯說明會 RSB Dual Degree Information Session

  • 2023-10-16
  • 鄧楷琳
時間:2023-10-27(五) 12:10~13:00
地點:國立陽明交通大學光復校區管理二館201會議室、同步線上會議 https://meet.google.com/zba-twma-imo
主講人:吳霽儒 雷恩商學院東北亞區暨臺灣校友會 會長
講座為線上及實體混合辦理,實體活動備有餐點,敬請盡速報名,謝謝 ! 

Dual Degree Information Session with Rennes School of Business, France
Date: October 27, 2023 (Friday) Time: 12:10 PM - 1:00 PM 
Location: Room 201, Management Building II, Guangfu Campus, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. The session will also be available online
Speaker: Johnny Chi-Ju WU (President, North Asia and Taiwan Alumni Association, Rennes School of Business)
Description: NYCU College of Management has officially opened applications for the dual degree program with Rennes School of Business for the Fall 2024 intake. To provide students with a deeper understanding of the program's content, unique course features, and application process, representatives from Rennes School of Business will be hosting an information session on October 27. We are honored to have the Senior Director, Stéphanie HIAUMET, and the Head of International Development, Caroline JOUANIN, present at the event. We warmly invite interested students to seize this opportunity and actively participate!
Please register by clicking the following link before October 25: https://forms.gle/hkbQvsx2VKrV1pMDA