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Cross-Disciplinary Program




※ 管院學生不得申請管科系跨域學程



National Chiao Tung University Department of Management Science
Implementation Guidelines for Cross-Disciplinary Programs


Revised October 24, 2018, by the Institute Affairs Meeting


一、 國立交通大學管理科學學系(以下簡稱本系) 依據國立交通大學跨域學程實施辦法,為鼓勵學生進行跨領域學習,建立跨域學習深 度,協助學生拓展第二專長,修畢跨域學程,特訂定本要點。

一. These Implementation Guidelines are prescribed by National Chiao Tung University Department of Management Science (hereinafter referred to as Our Department) based on NCTU Cross-Disciplinary Program Implementation Regulations to provide the opportunity for students to proceed cross-disciplinary learning in order to encourage students to conduct the cross-disciplinary study, build the depth of cross-disciplinary study, and assist students to expand the second specialty.

二、 跨域學程係由本系訂定模組課程,模組課程包含管理領域基礎核心知識,總學分數以30學分為原則,學生修習跨域學程,可於畢業證書上加註第二專長模組課程為跨域專長。

二. The cross-disciplinary program here means the cross-disciplinary module curriculum proposed by Our Department. The module curriculum should include the core knowledge curriculum of the field and the total credits will be based on 30 credits. The module curriculum of the second specialty could be remarked as “Cross-Disciplinary Specialty” on the diploma after students complete the cross-disciplinary program.

三、 本要點實施對象

(一) 本系學生欲修習跨域學程者

(一) For the student of our department who would like to take the cross-disciplinary program

1. 得於每學年度公告申請期限內向本系提出申請,申請時註明欲申請的第二專長系所或學院,申請 期限將由本系課程委員會提前一個月進行公告,公告中說明需準備的審查資料以及當年度本系開 放給本系學生修讀跨域學程的名額,申請案經本系課程委員會審查通過後,需送到第二專長系所 或學院審查,通過雙邊審查後,方可進入跨域學程。

1. The application can be submitted to our department within the dates of annual announcements by faculty.The department or college of the second specialty that the student would like to apply for must be remarked on the application form, and the application deadline would be announced one month in advance by the Curricular Committee at our department. The information on evaluation documents needed to be prepared as well as the quota opened to the students of our department to study for this program in the given year will be released on the announcement. The application should be sent to the department or college of the second specialty for evaluation after it is approved by the Curricular Committee at our department. Students could only take the cross-disciplinary program after evaluation by both sides.

2. 本系學生修習跨域學程的課程,列示於『管理科學系跨域學程本系學生必修科目表』,其課程包含:校必修(含共同必修28 學分),本系基礎必修課程,本系跨域模組課程,以及第二專長系所或學院的跨域模組課程(以下簡稱他系跨域模組課程),畢業學分以 134 學分為原則。他系跨域模組 課程認定為跨域專長,於畢業證書本系名稱後加註此跨域專長。

2. The courses of the cross-disciplinary programs studied by students in our department should be listed on “The Required Course List for the students at our department study cross-disciplinary program in the Department of Management Science.” The courses include required courses of the university (including 28 credits of general education subjects), core curriculum at our department, cross-disciplinary module curriculum at our department, and the cross-disciplinary module curriculum of the second specialty department or college (hereinafter referred to as cross-disciplinary module curriculum at other departments) with at least 134 graduate credits. The cross-disciplinary module curriculum at other departments would be recognized as a cross-disciplinary specialty, and it will be remarked after the title of our department on the diploma.

3. 本系學生修習跨域學程,若無法修畢跨域學程課程,得選擇放棄跨域學程,改修習原管理科學系的學士學位課程。

3. For students at our department who study for the cross-disciplinary program but are not able to complete the program, they shall give up the cross-disciplinary program and transfer to study for the bachelor degree program at the original department of Management Science.

(二) 外系學生欲修習跨域學程且選擇本系做為其跨域專長者

(二) For students of other departments who would like to study for the cross-disciplinary program and choose our department as their cross-disciplinary specialty

1. 得於每學年度公告申請期限內向其所屬學系(以下簡稱原系)提出申請,通過原系及本系雙邊審查後,方可進入跨域學程。

1. They could submit the application to the department that they belong to within the dates of annual announcements by faculty, they could only take the cross-disciplinary program after approval by both their original department and our department.

2. 外系學生修讀跨域學程且選擇本系做為其跨域專長者,其課程包含:校必修(含共同必修28學分), 原系基礎必修課程,以及列示於『管理科學學系跨域模組課程必修科目表』的模組課程,並於畢業證 書原系名稱後加註管理科學領域為其跨域專長。

2. The courses of cross-disciplinary program studied by students at other department and choose our department as cross-disciplinary specialty The courses include required courses of the university (including 28 credits of general education subjects), core curriculum at their original department, and the module curriculum listed on “The Required Course List for the students study cross-disciplinary module curriculum in the Department of Management Science”.The Management Science will be remarked as their cross-disciplinary specialty after the title of their original department on the diploma.

四、 本系指定一名專任教師擔任跨域學程導師,專責輔導跨域學程的學生。

四. Our department assigned one full-time teacher to be the mentor of the cross-disciplinary program to give guidance to cross-disciplinary program students.

五、 本要點如有未盡事宜,悉依本校學則及其他相關規定辦理。

五. If there is any unaccomplished matter of these guidelines, it shall be handled in accordance with the school constitution of our university as well as other relevant regulations.

六、 本要點經系、院、校級課程委員會通過並提教務會議核備後實施,修訂時亦同。

六. These guidelines were approved by the Curricular Committee at the university level and then submitted to the Council of Academic Affairs for approval-for-reference before putting it into practice; the same shall be done upon any amendment thereto.

管理科學系跨域學程 本系學生必修科目表

The Required Course List for the students at our department
study cross-disciplinary program in the Department of Management Science.

Course Name
本系必修(64 學分)
The core curriculum at our department
(64 credits)
Introduction to Management Science
2 管理科學系
Department of Management Science
8 微積分教學小組
Calculus Teaching Group
Introduction to Computer Science
3       管理學院
College of Management
3 管理學院
College of Management
Linear Algebra
3 管理學院
College of Management
Operations Research ( I ) ( II )
6 管理學院
College of Management
Organizational Behavior
3 管理科學系
Depart. of Management Science
Economics ( I )( II )
6 管理學院
College of Management
Accounting ( I )( II )
6 管理學院
College of Management
統計學 (一)(二)
Statistics ( I )( II )
6 管理學院
College of Management
Financial Management
3 資訊管理與財務金融學系
Dept. of IMF
3 管理學院
College of Management
Principles of Marketing
3 管理科學系
Depart. of Management Science
Management Information System
3 資訊管理與財務金融學系
Dept. of IMF
Production and Operations Management
3 工業工程與管理學系
Dept. of IEM
Human Resource Management
3 管理科學系
Department of Management Science
他系跨域模組(28-32 學分)
Cross-disciplinary modules at other departments (28-32 credits)
The cross-disciplinary modules offered by departments or colleges at our university; choose one to complete.
校必修(含共同必修 28 學分(含外語課程必修 8 學分),至多採計 40 學分)[ 註 1 ]
Required courses of the university (including 28 credits of general education subjects, 8 credits of foreign language course inclusive with the maximum 40 credits countable) [Note1]
Minimum Graduate Credits 134
本系最低畢業學分為 134 學分,其中需修本系選修 12 學分。
The minimum graduation credits of the department are 134 credits. The elective course of the department needs at least 12 credits.

[ 註1 ] : 本校共同必修科目表規定,外語課程必修至少 6 學分。如大學部學生修習共同必修學分數超過 28 學分以上,本校至多可採至 40 學分於最低畢業學分內,但各學系另有規定者,從其規定。

[ Note 1 ]: According to the rules prescribed by Table of General Education Subject of our university, at least 6 credits of foreign language courses must be taken. For the students in the bachelor degree program who study general education subjects more than 28 credits, our university could calculate 40 credits to the minimum graduate credits; please follow the regulations from each department if it is specially defined.


管理科學系跨域模組課程 外系學生必修科目表

The Required Course List for the students study cross-disciplinary
module curriculum in the Department of Management Science.

Course Name
本系跨域模組 (30 學分) 修畢於畢業證書加註『跨域 專長:管理科學』
Cross-disciplinary modules at our department(30 credits)
It could be remarked as “Cross-Disciplinary Specialty: Management Science” on the diploma after the module curriculum is completed.
Economics (I)(II)
6 管理學院
College of Management
Core required courses
Accounting (I)(II)
6 管理學院
College of Management
Core required courses
Statistics (I)(II)
6 管理學院
College of Management
Core required courses
Financial Management
3 資訊管理與財務金融學系
Dept. of IMF
左列 7 門課程任選 4 門課程 修習
Basic required courses. Select 4 of 7 Courses. Core required courses
3 管理學院
College of Management
Principles of Marketing
3 管理科學系
Department of Management Science
Management Information System
3 資訊管理與財務金融學系
Dept. of IMF
Production and Operations Management
3 工業工程與管理學系
Dept. of IEM
Human Resource Management
3 管理科學學系
Department of Management Science
Strategy Management
3 管理科學學系
Department of Management Science
總學分 30 學分
Total Credits: 30 credits