Status | Full-Time |
Name | 郭國泰 |
Office Tel No. | (03)5712121分機57154 |
Experience | Prof. Anthony KUO is currently a full professor of international business at the Department of Management Science of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan. Over the decade before he started his academic career in 2008, he had been working for Trend Micro Inc., a Japanese Internet security software company, traveling to over twenty countries to help build up overseas business, speak at public conferences, conduct training sessions, and be interviewed by media outlets such as CNBC Asia, CMP Asia and newspapers in the Asia Pacific region. Professor Kuo joined Fu Jen Catholic University as an assistant professor in 2008. From 2012 to 2016, he was serving as the Director of MBA Program in International Management (imMBA) at Fu Jen, transforming the program to a pure English-taught program with two thirds of its students from abroad. He was promoted to be the Associate Dean of the College of Management of Fu Jen in August 2015. During his associate deanship, he was in charge of international collaborations and had established several double-degree programs and bridge programs with partner schools worldwide. He joined National Chiao Tung University in February 2020. Professor Kuo received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan, and his MBA degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has published articles in internationally renowned journals, such as International Business Review, European Management Journal, and Journal of Business Research, and currently serves on the editorial board of Industrial Marketing Management. His research interests include international business (specifically as it relates to emerging markets), innovation (particularly in frugal innovation), and strategic change (especially the growth strategy for social enterprises and high-tech firms). He is now teaching several postgraduate courses in English, including International Business Management, Strategic Thinking in the Era of Knowledge Economy, and Organization Design and Management. He has been frequently invited by partner schools in France (such as Burgundy School of Business and IPAG Business School) and Thailand (such as Assumption University) to teach at their master’s or doctoral programs. Major Work Experience National Chiao Tung University – Professor (full) 2/2020 - now |